Avian species are always considered as an important point of a concern when it comes to collisions and electrocutions. Worldwide researchers elaborated many modern and highly upgraded devices to reduce these mortalities. where line marking devices like Bird Flapper, Bird Deflector, Spirals, Bird Reflector, Bird Diverter, Crossed Bands, Bird Flight Diverter, Led Bird Flight Diverter came into the picture or launched by prominent market leaders. The topmost performers in the said list are Bird Diverter and Bird Flight Diverter.
During your jungle safari, camping tours or visiting places where you experience huge naturals lawns and surroundings, sighting powerlines tower and other power distribution infrastructures are very common. You must have noticed strange kind of objects both Fixed and rotating like round disks, balls, spheres (with the illuminating feature) etc of different colors and sizes hanging on powerlines are known as bird diverters.
Why Choose Us ?
Being in the industry from decades under the brand name of Indolite with more than OVER 20 PATENTS within the banner specifically in the field of Wild life saving devices.
The idea of launching most sophisticated Bird Diverter came into existence in 2019 with the most prominent robotic industry setup available in market specifically to create the best of all in case of :-
• Unique Design
• Durability
• Impactness
• Long Distance Visibility Read More
Why We Need Bird Flight Diverter ?
Avian species migration leads to collision specifically because of their poor frontal vision. Installing Bird flight diverters on powerlines will increase the visibility among avian species and also acts as rescuer. Often you can have a glimpse of these devices while passing through deep valley areas, near major freeway crossings and huge farming fields.
The most commonly used marking devices around the globe with immaculate results in case of durability , feasibility and viability are:-
Multiple Exploration around the globe well elaborates avian mortalities caused by human-made infrastructures, in the race to provide better and upgraded amenities. These facilities are further divided into three different segments which are increasing day by day:-Transmission LinesCommunication TowerWind TurbinesAcquiring the actual probability of...
Powerlines always pose a great threat to avian species worldwide. The ratio of avian mortality increases due to collision with powerlines, whether its electricity transmission tower or distribution networks.The thrust of being more & more modernized, where electricity plays an important role, unfortunately, the major part of the world is found...
Why is it essential to fix IndoDivert- Bird Flight Diverter on transmission lines/ towers etc?
Large birds, like flamingos, geese, swans and few endangered species, while migrating are at greatest risk. These birds can fly up to 135 kms per hour. (http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Swan)
Due to their size and speed, these birds cannot maneuver fast. It is...