Bird Diverters Installation Is A Must On Power Lines- As Per NGT

The myth about the Great Indian Bustard (GIB), Powerlines and Bird Diverters is always a very sensitive point of discussion from decades. Multiple seminars, meetings and conferences were held around the globe from time to time by different wild life-saving associations, federations and other prominent governing bodies. Recently it was on 04-04-2019 ref "Original Application No. 385/2019" when Hon'ble National Green Tribunal -NGT has directed The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change - MoEF&CC to furnish a accurate report on the deaths of Great Indian Bustard within 2 months. The said report (FACTUAL REPORT ON THE GREAT INDIAN BUSTARD RECOVERY PROGRAM) was finally submitted to The Registrar of  Hon'ble National Green Tribunal -NGT  on 11-07-2019 by Deputy Inspector General MoEF&CC. After going through the facts and figures as elaborated in the above mentioned  factual report, The National Green Tribunal -NGT found that steps taken are not adequate and there continues to be high mortality of the birds.

Hence later this year on 23-12-2020{(Original Application No. 385/2019) -(IA No. 333/2020)}  The National Green Tribunal - NGT passed an order during which it has been directed that the installation of “bird diverters” on power transmission lines should be done on priority basis in order to protect the critically endangered Great Indian Bustard (GIB).


The Crucial Points of The National Green Tribunal -NGT Order (mitigation measures for

protection of Great Indian Bustard (GIB) are:-


  • Bird Diverters Installation on power transmission lines is Mandatory.

  • Under-grounding of transmission lines needs to be insured for all new projects by making it mandatory under the Water/Air Acts by the concerned State PCBs which may be overseen by the CPCB and the MoEF&CC.”

  • Route planning

  • Vane tips of the wind turbine shall be painted with orange colour to avoid bird hits



The National Green Tribunal -NGT has strictly directed the MoEF&CC/CPCB/State PCBs to take further action as per the plan suggested by the six-member committee appointed by the Tribunal itself.

In the final verdict, The Court inclined the matter by directing that all mandatory steps be taken for preserving critically endangered Great Indian Bustard (GIB) by installing bird diverters on all existing power transmission lines as suggested by the six-member Committee of the MoEF&CC. It has further directed that  Monitoring of compliance be done, preferably by the Wildlife Institute of India at least twice a year.

The Court has considered the report submitted by the Committee and directed it to finalize the proposed action plan within two months.

There has been a drastic  decline by 75% in the population of the Great Indian Bustard (GIB) since the last 3 decades. The main reason for these declines is lethal accidents /collisions with power transmission lines.


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